Sunday, October 15, 2006

CRM 3 Cannot add a user and general troubleshouting

Here are some CRM 3 basics when troubleshooting the following:

  1. CRM not running
  2. Cannot add a new user
  3. Certain Pages are not displaying properly
CRM 3 needs to have a certain user permission for the app pool user, otherwise the app will really struggle. Set the app pool identity to be either your specially created crmadmin account or a specific web user. For that user you need to ensure the following permissions:

  • write access to the windows\temp directory
  • write access to the .net temporary internet directory
  • member of the privusers group from the crm ou
For troubleshooting strange errors, change the web.config for the crm app and make sure that you set the attirbute :

These points should make troubleshooting a LOT easier...good luck!

Friday, September 15, 2006

net shares and login credentials

On Windows 2000, I frequently have issues mapping drives, telling me about security conflicts or that the drive is already mapped even though it isn't any more. To solve this problem, you need to run the following from the command prompt:

net use * /d

List all DTS Packages in a query

Run this SQL against the msdb database:

SELECT DISTINCT name FROM sysdtspackages

Exporting Scheduled Task List to txt

This one works in Xp and also 2003 Server..

From the command prompt type:

schtasks > tasks.txt

Monday, August 7, 2006

The network is not present or is not started

If this happens to one of your XP clients (may also work on 2k and Vista)

1) Browse to your adapater

2) Uninstall File and Print sharing for Microsoft Networks

3) Click OK etc...

4) Browse to the adapter again, install File and Print Sharing

Everything should now be working again! Obviously if this happens a lot, then there is a bit of an issue here, however corrupt file and print sharing does seem to occur every once in a while.

The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing.

In Reporting Services 2005 for some reason, you sometimes get this error:

The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) Get Online HelpSQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Along with a reference to not having named pipes installed.

To fix it, just run the following command:

rsconfig -c -sMyServerName -dReportServer -awindows -uDomain\Account -pMyPassword

Monday, July 31, 2006

Repairing SQL Reporting Services 2000

Occasionally SQL Server Reporting Services 2000 seems to mess up and give you install errors, or permission errors. Listed below are 2 very good fixes which seem to fix the majority of issues:

1) run this command: RSActivate -c -r “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer\RSReportServer.config”

2) try this knowledgebase article:


Monday, July 24, 2006

Internet SQL Reporting Server 2000

This is far too complex and poorly documented for my liking!

Microsoft recomend that you add this tag to the Reportserver Virtual Dir rswebapplication.config file:

HOWEVER This is much easier

Delete the info in the section of rswebapplication.config


and ensure that the ReportServer virtual directory in IIS is pointing to:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportManager"

how good is that!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hacking Windows Passwords

If you ever lose your password and cannot acces your XP box, then download this tool

You can burn it to CD or floppy, just boot your machine to it and you can view and reset all the local machine passwords. It also works on servers too, which can be a bit dangerous as i'm sure you can imagine...

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Sharepoint homepage error

After doing some modifications to one of our Sharepoint sites, the homepage stopped working! However at the same time, all other Sharepoint sites were still responding. This caused me a lot of headache and stres... especially after spending hours on a new Sharepoint site.

After spending a Saturday morning looking into the problem, I found this knowledgebase article, which cured the problem + an iisreset..

Thursday, April 13, 2006

CRM 3 Email Settings

This Registry key hold all the mail server info:


The SMTPServer key is worht checking if you can't send email through CRM 3


Sunday, April 9, 2006

USERENV Errors in SBS2003

OK his is a part one fix of userenv errors in SBS2003 clients. RSOP.msc shows that group policy settings are not getting applied.

The problem seems to be partly due to cached logon credintials on the clients. To fi this do the following:

1) run control userpasswords2
2) Click the Advanced tab and click the Manage Passwords button, and then
remove any entry related to the problem account and domain.

Other articles suggest also forcing keberos to use tcp instead of udp

let me know your thoughts...

Monday, March 13, 2006

SQL Mail without Outlook on SBS if necessary

A tricky one this, but well worth setting up:

first download MAPI Profile Manager from here

Then configure SQL Mail and also the properties of SQL Server agent to use the MAPI profile.

send a few test emails from enterprise manager and away you go... all good !

Friday, January 13, 2006

USB Drive Formatting

If like me you've been having issues with USB media, then try this tool from HP... it's absolutley great and it's free!!

HP USB Formatting Tool